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Vital Pulp therapy in form of Indirect pulp capping along with bioceramics in a permanent molar
Direct Pulp Capping
Vital Pulp Therapy: A Conservative Alternative in the Treatment of Deep Carious Lesions
Pulpotomies for Irreversible Pulpitis? The Rise of Vital Pulp Therapy - PDP133
Treatment Planning: Vital Pulp Therapy
Indirect pulp cap
Vital Pulp Therapy “ Total Pulpatomy “ with Bioceramic Repair from Angelus
Molar Incisor hypomineralization- Vital Pulp therapy@ Tooth Tales
1080p to 4K Vital Pulp Therapy using BioMTA.
Dental Treatment: Bioceramic Materials | Oct 11, 2022
Bekir Karabucak VPT Webinar finished
Preserving pulp with tricalcium silicates - Septodont & Ghent University webinar